
Application of hyaluronic acid in treatment of patients with vertical atrophy of alveolar process of maxilla. Clinical case


  • A.M. Sipkin 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, head of the Maxillofacial surgery and hospital surgical dentistry Department
  • T.N. Modina 2, 3, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Maxillofacial dentistry Department;
  • G.M. Karachunskii 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, head of the Pediatric maxillofacial surgery Division
  • A.D. Chenosova 1, postgraduate at the Maxillofacial surgery and hospital surgical dentistry Department
  • 1 Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute (MONIKI), 129110, Moscow, Russia
  • 2 Pirogov National Medical & Surgical Center, 105203, Moscow, Russia
  • 3 Prof. Modina Clinic, 115191, Moscow, Russia


In this article, on the example of a clinical case, demonstrated the stages of the method of guided bone regeneration with the use of the medical device of hyaluronic acid, followed by implantation after 4 months.

Key words:

dentistry, dental implant, osseointegration, regeneration, hyaluronic acid, bone grafting, bone substitutes

For Citation

Sipkin A.M., Modina T.N., Karachunskii G.M., Chenosova A.D. Application of hyaluronic acid in treatment of patients with vertical atrophy of alveolar process of maxilla. Clinical case. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2019; 1 (89): 24—27. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2019_1_24


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Published on

March 1, 2019