
Mini-implants as a rational choice solution of the problem of inexpensive qualitative prosthetics edentulous patients. A clinical case


  • A.I. Korolev 1, 2, assistant at the Dentistry Department; head of the Prosthetic Department
  • O.A. Petrikas 3, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Prosthodontics Department
  • 1 Yaroslavl State Medical University, 150000, Yaroslavl, Russia
  • 2 Clinical Hospital no. 2, 150057, Yaroslavl, Russia
  • 3 Tver State Medical University, 170100, Tver, Russia


The currently popular traditional dental implants fundamentally improve the fixation of full dentures, but they have significant drawbacks. Firstly, this is a loss of time for implant osseointegration, as well as for possible surgical preparation for implantation to increase the volume of bone tissue, which occurs in 40-45% of cases. Secondly, this is the high cost of implantation, including the costly diagnosis, preparatory surgery, temporary dentures and implants themselves. The combination of these problems turns traditional implants into an insurmountable obstacle for most Russian pensioners. For so-called mini-implants (MI) is characterized by significantly lower cost, simplified implantation technique, accelerated healing time and fewer postoperative complications, and the possibility of application in conditions of significant bone atrophy. Despite the lower reliability of MI compared to traditional dental implants, a number of authors believe that MI have serious prospects and make it possible to realize the patient’s dream - to immediately get a prosthesis, with which you can fully chew, talk and smile. The article presents a clinical case using four MI with dentures edentulous mandible.

Key words:

mini-implants, saving time and money, high quality prosthetics

For Citation

Korolev A.I., Petrikas O.A. Mini-implants as a rational choice solution of the problem of inexpensive qualitative prosthetics edentulous patients. A clinical case. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2018; 3 (87): 79—82. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2018_3_79


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Published on

September 1, 2018