
The experience of surgical elimination of the dystopia of the rudiment of the permanent tooth


  • M.N. Mitropanova 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor and head of the Pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and Maxillofacial surgery Department
  • A.F. Verapatveljan 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor of the Pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and maxillofacial surgery Department
  • K.K. Gasparjan 1, dental surgeon at the Pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and Maxillofacial surgery Department
  • A.S. Mosesova 1, dental surgeon at the Pediatric dentistry, orthodontics and Maxillofacial surgery Department
  • M.S. Miroshnikova 2, dentist
  • 1 Kuban State Medical University, 350063, Krasnodar, Russia
  • 2 “Mari Dent” Dental Clinic, 350901, Krasnodar, Russia


Complex diagnostics, early detection and elimination of dystopia and tortoanomaly of the retentive tooth by surgical method on time helps to prevent dystopia of the incised teeth. First signs of this pathology are manifested in a exchangeable occlusion, however they are recognized only by X-ray examination. Conducting CBCT allows to reveal the features of the location of the rudiment and to plan surgical intervention. The operation is successful in the long term.

Key words:

tooth retention, dystopia of the tooth, tortoanomaly, surgery

For Citation

Mitropanova M.N., Verapatveljan A.F., Gasparjan K.K., Mosesova A.S., Miroshnikova M.S. The experience of surgical elimination of the dystopia of the rudiment of the permanent tooth. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2018; 2 (86): 34—36. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2018_2_34


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Published on

June 1, 2018