
Issues of clinical efficacy of modern technologies in osteosynthesis of the lower jaw


  • A.S. Pankratov 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, full professor of the Maxillofacial dentistry Department
  • 1 Sechenov University, 119435, Moscow, Russia


According to some authors, the real percentage of postsurgical complications with the use of modern technologies of osteosynthesis of the lower jaw remains at a fairly high level. According to the StAR clinical protocol dedicated to the treatment of patients with fractures of this bone, the overall incidence of complications is 15-19%, which in fact does not differ from the corresponding indicator of 25 years ago, i.е. the period when these technologies have not yet been widely introduced into domestic clinical practice. The purpose of this paper was to analyze the causes of the situation. At the first stage, a retrospective study of the history of the disease of 88 patients consulted for complications that developed after the surgical treatment of fractures of the lower jaw using osteosynthesis was conducted. At the same time, in 62.5% of cases, deviations from the requirements of operational technologies were revealed. Among the remaining 37.5% of patients, in most cases, the effectiveness of treatment can be improved by enhancing operational procedures. This is confirmed by the results of the second stage of the study, performed in 442 patients with different variants of mandibular fractures and their complications at various periods after the trauma. Operative treatment for them was carried out in strict accordance with the requirements of the osteosynthesis protocol developed by us earlier. The overall incidence of complications was 4.07%, of which clinically significant were 2.03%. Thus, there is a need to introduce regulatory rules for the operational treatment of this category of patients, based on evidence-based medicine.

Key words:

mandible, fractures, osteosynthesis

For Citation

Pankratov A.S. Issues of clinical efficacy of modern technologies in osteosynthesis of the lower jaw. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2018; 1 (85): 44—49. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2018_1_44


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March 1, 2018