
Application of mesodiencephalic modulation in the complex of therapeutic and preventive measures in dental implantation in patients with the type 2 diabetes mellitis


  • A.V. Yumashev 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, professor of the Prosthodontics department
  • A.S. Utyuzh 1, PhD in Medical Sciences, associate professor and head of the Prosthodontics Department
  • G.G. Kuzminov 2, senior dentist
  • I.V. Nefedova 1, resident doctor
  • 1 Sechenov University, 119435, Moscow, Russia
  • 2 MDM Centrum, 129110, Moscow, Russia


The paper studies the therapeutic and prophylactic efficacy of mesodiencephalic modulation in patients with type II diabetes mild-to-moderate and undergoing dental prosthetics using dental implantation. The influence of mesodiencephalic modulation on the concentration of glucose in the blood, the cardiac rate and the emotional state of patients in the pre-implantation and post-implantation period is considered. The influence of mesodiencephalic modulation on the restoration of quality of life in the early postoperative period of dental implantation, including due to its local therapeutic effect, is estimated.

Key words:

mesodiencephalic modulation, MDM-therapy, dental implantation, the type 2 diabetes mellitus, stress, blood glucose, prophylaxis

For Citation

Yumashev A.V., Utyuzh A.S., Kuzminov G.G., Nefedova I.V. Application of mesodiencephalic modulation in the complex of therapeutic and preventive measures in dental implantation in patients with the type 2 diabetes mellitis. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2018; 1 (85): 39—43. DOI: 10.37988/1811-153X_2018_1_39


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Published on

March 1, 2018