The individually prepared transpalatal arch


  • R.V. Rotar' 1, ординатор отделения ортодонтии
  • D.A. Volchek 1, к.м.н., отделение ортодонтии
  • G.B. Ospanova 1, д.м.н., профессор, отделение ортодонтии


In contemporary dental practice an orthodontist often faces the inability to use regular preformed Goshgarian transpalatal arches (TPA) due to limited range of their size and/or individual anatomical characteristics of dentoalveolar system of the patient. In such cases an orthodontist has to recourse to individual TPA fabrication considering anatomical and morphological conditionals of specific patient. This paper describes the technic of TPA fabrication and adjustment without the need to fixate the orthodontic bands on the plaster models.

Key words:

individual fabrication, TPA, Goshgarian bar

For Citation

Rotar’ R.V., Volchek D.A., Ospanova G.B. The individually prepared transpalatal arch. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2017; 4 (84): 50—52


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Published on

December 1, 2017