Local immunity features of the oral cavity for periodontal diseases at petrochemical production workers


  • R.I. Sabitova 1, врач-стоматолог-пародонтолог
  • M.F. Kabirova 2, д.м.н., профессор кафедры терапевтической стоматологии с курсом ИДПО
  • D.F. Shakirov 2, д.м.н., профессор кафедры общей гигиены с экологией с курсом гигиенических дисциплин
  • 1 Республиканская стоматологическая поликлиника, Уфа
  • 2 БашГМУ


A feature of the functioning of the mucosal immune system is largely determined by the direction of the development of pathological processes in chronic inflammation. Nowadays, the primary in the pathogenesis of chronic immunological inflammation is either local disturbance at the level of the mucosal system, or small abnormalities at the systemic level-a question that is quite complex and is still vigorously discussed both from the immunological positions and from the positions of the general pathology, taking into account the functioning of other homeostatic organism systems. Therefore, the purpose of our research was to study changes in the immunological status of the intraoral cavity of patients with chronic generalized periodontal diseases and analysis of oral fluid immunoglobulins shifts to determine the conjugation and direction of their disorders. The base of the research was chosen CSC «Experimental Fаctory Neftehim». The main group consisted of 373 workers who had periodontal disease of mild, moderate and severe severity to study local immunity in oral fluid. The control group consisted of 112 people who applied for dental care to the Republic dental clinic. Both groups were comparable in age and gender. The material of the research was oral fluid, where the concentration of immunoglobulins sIgA, IgA, IgM, IgG, IgE and lysozyme. Results of the research of the immunological status of the oral cavity revealed that all workers with periodontal disease have local humoral immunodeficiency. It was revealed that in the case of chronic generalized periodontitis of mild and moderate severity, the immune system of the oral cavity operates in the functional stress mode, and with severe severity, the adaptation fails.

Key words:

periodontal diseases, local immunity, immunoglobulins, petrochemical production, workers

For Citation

Sabitova R.I., Kabirova M.F., Shakirov D.F. Local immunity features of the oral cavity for periodontal diseases at petrochemical production workers. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2017; 4 (84): 46—49


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Published on

December 1, 2017