The study of adhesion of obturation materials to the root dentin after photodynamic exposure


  • I.M. Rabinovich 1, д.м.н., профессор, заслуженный врач РФ, руководитель отдела терапевтической стоматологии
  • I.Ju. Lebedenko 1, 2, д.м.н., профессор, заслуженный деятель науки РФ, зав. лабораторией разработки и физико-химических испытаний стоматологических материалов; зав. кафедрой ортопедической стоматологии медицинского факультета
  • F.S. Rusanov 1, к.м.н., научный сотрудник лаборатории разработки и физико-химических испытаний стоматологических материалов
  • K.E. Zaharova 1, аспирант отделения кариесологии и эндодонтии
  • 2 РУДН


Root canal therapy is the final stage of endodontic treatment. Currently, the main material for filling of root canals is guttapercha. The gutta-percha itself directly has no adhesion to the walls of the root canal, so it is used in combination with sealers based on epoxy resin (AH plus, AH 26, Acroseal, 2 Seal, etc.). The effectiveness of obturation depends on the quality removal of smear layer generated in the process of tooling channel. Proposed various methods for effective removal of smear layer. The most simple and effective way to remove the smear layer is the root canal irrigation solutions sodium hypochlorite (3-5%) and EDTA (17%). Note, however, that for a full dissolution and removal of the smear layer with the help of these solutions are possible only with long-term repeated irrigation. Given the above, the search for new methods removal of the smear layer, and therefore effective obturation of root canals continues, and one of them is a method of photodynamic exposure. A laboratory study was conducted on 50 single rooted teeth removed for orthodontic indications. Then the teeth were divided into 2 groups, study and control. The root canals of the teeth of the main group were subjected to photodynamic exposure. The root canals of the control group photodynamic effects were not exposed. The root canals of both groups were obturated different types of filling materials. The results showed that the shift of the filling material in the root canals of teeth of the main group it took greater effort than for the filling material in the root canals of teeth of the main group.

Key words:

photodynamic exposure, gutta-percha, adhesion, filling material, the shift of the filling material

For Citation

Rabinovich I.M., Lebedenko I.Ju., Rusanov F.S., Zaharova K.E. The study of adhesion of obturation materials to the root dentin after photodynamic exposure. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2017; 4 (84): 4—7


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Published on

December 1, 2017