The use of the titanium containing net implants for elimination of the ptosis of soft tissues of face in case of the mimic muscles paralysis


  • A.I. Nerobeev 1, 2, д.м.н., профессор, руководитель отдела разработки высокотехнологичных методов челюстно-лицевой хирургии; зав. кафедрой пластической и челюстно-лицевой хирургии
  • V.E. Kobazev 1, аспирант отделения реконструктивной челюстно-лицевой хирургии, микрохирургии и эктопротезирования
  • 2 РМАНПО


The article presents the data about the treatment of the patients with mimic muscles paralysis. We described the method of elimination of the ptosis of soft tissues of face with the use of a titanium mesh for the reinforcing plastics of soft tissues in case of the mimic muscles paralysis and the prospect of its use in such clinical cases. The clinical case of the use of this material is described.

Key words:

the mimic muscles paralysis, static correction, ptosis of soft tissues of face, mesh implant, titanium mesh

For Citation

Nerobeev A.I., Kobazev V.E. The use of the titanium containing net implants for elimination of the ptosis of soft tissues of face in case of the mimic muscles paralysis. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2017; 2 (82): 36—38


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Published on

June 1, 2017