Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis associated with mucormycosis: diagnosis, treatment, prevention


  • A.M. Sipkin 1, д.м.н., ведущий научный сотрудник отделения челюстно-лицевой хирургии, зав. кафедрой челюстно-лицевой хирургии и хирургической стоматологии факультета усовершенствования врачей
  • T.N. Modina 2, д.м.н., профессор кафедры челюстно-лицевой хирургии и стоматологии института усовершенствования врачей
  • E.A. Remizova 1, аспирант кафедры челюстно-лицевой хирургии и хирургической стоматологии факультета усовершенствования врачей
  • 1 МОНИКИ им. М.Ф. Владимирского
  • 2 НМХЦ им. Н.И. Пирогова


In recent decades there has been a significant increase in the number of odontogenic maxillary sinusitis complicated by the presence of fungal colonies. The reason for the development of this disease are often iatrogenic factors such as the removal of filling material into the sinus during endodontic treatment of molar teeth of the upper jaw, as included in the composition of the sealers zinc oxide and barium sulfate are the main food substrate for the development of opportunistic fungal flora of the genus Aspergillus, Penicillium. In this article the results of examination and treatment of 347 patients with fungal contaminations of the maxillary sinuses, has applied to Oral and Maxillofacial surgery Department of the Moscow Regional Clinical and Research Institute by M.F. Vladimirsky in the period from 2001 to 2015. Retrospective analyses and the results of clinical, laboratory examination and surgical treatment made it possible not only to evaluate the prevalence and pathogenesis of odontogenic maxillary fungal sinusitis, but also offer optimal treatment algorithm and to develop recommendations for the prevention of the development of this disease.

Key words:

odontogenic maxillary sinusitis, fungal infection, root canal treatment molar, root filling materials

For Citation

Sipkin A.M., Modina T.N., Remizova E.A. Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis associated with mucormycosis: diagnosis, treatment, prevention. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2017; 1 (81): 40—44


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Published on

March 1, 2017