Glass-ionomer cement from TehnoDent in the dental practice


  • A.E. Anurova 1, к.м.н., доцент кафедры стоматологии детского возраста и ортодонтии; врач-стоматолог
  • T.F. Kosyreva 1, д.м.н., зав. кафедрой стоматологии детского возраста и ортодонтии
  • V.D. Shchegoleva 2, к.м.н., врач-стоматолог
  • D.S. Roschin 3, интерн кафедры эпидемиологии ИПО
  • 1 РУДН
  • 2 Клиника «Институт Здоровья»
  • 3 Первый МГМУ им. И.М. Сеченова


Nowadays, the most popular and actively used restorative materials in dentistry are materials having the adhesion to the tooth’s hard tissues. Among them the most popular are the glass ionomer cements (GIC). On the dental market there are glass ionomer cements in both import and domestic production, whose quality is not inferior and sometimes superior to their foreign counterparts. However, imported glass ionomer cements are not always available because of its price. In this connection, I would like to draw Your attention to GIC, ‘Polyacrylin’ of the company TehnoDent (Russia). This article briefly describes the history of the GIC, the interaction mechanisms of GIC with hard tooth tissues, mechanisms of etching and conditioning, and domestic glass ionomer cement ‘Polyacrylin’, its characteristics and indications for use and clinical examples of usage; showing that this material is a competitive alternative to expensive foreign analogues, available to a wide circle of dentists.

Key words:

glass-ionomer, dental caries, tooth fillin

For Citation

Anurova A.E., Kosyreva T.F., Shchegoleva V.D., Roschin D.S. Glass-ionomer cement from TehnoDent in the dental practice. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2016; 3 (79): 22—25


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Published on

September 1, 2016