Influence of child health status on the effectiveness of various methods of pulpitis treatment of primary teeth


  • L.P. Kiselnikova 1, д.м.н., профессор кафедры детской терапевтической стоматологии
  • I.S. Shcherbina 1, аспирант кафедры детской терапевтической стоматологии
  • 1 МГМСУ им. А.И. Евдокимова


243 teeth in 112 children (divided into three health groups) were treated with pulpotomy. The teeth were also divided into three groups depending on the agent: ViscoStat (Ultradent) for the first group, Trioxident (VladMiva) for the second one and Pulpotec (Products Dentaires) for the third one. The two-year follow-up period showed that according to the clinical radiologic picture the most positive dynamics of the treatment (87,5% of success) was in case of using Trioxident. The results of the study showed that the effectiveness of primary molars pulpotomy performed with the agents under study directly depends on the child health status. At the same time the dependence was higher in the second group that allowed us to recommend a limited application of Trioxident for primary teeth pulpotomy for the children of the third health group.

Key words:

primary molars, pulpotomy, health group

For Citation

Kiselnikova L.P., Shcherbina I.S. Influence of child health status on the effectiveness of various methods of pulpitis treatment of primary teeth. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2016; 1 (77): 10—15


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Published on

March 1, 2016