Quantitative assessment and morphofunctional state of melanocytes in mucous tunic of gum in normal condition and in melanosis


  • H.D. Jumayev 1, к.м.н., кафедра терапевтической стоматологии
  • L.N. Shchetinina 2, к.м.н.
  • 1 Туркменский государственный медицинский университет
  • 2 Международный центр лечения глазных болезней, Ашхабад (Туркменистан)


Embryology, histology, ultrastructural and immunohistochemical peculiarities of the organs of the human oral cavity are studied well enough and described in the scientific literature. According to the information given in the literature melanocytes are the integral part of mucous tunic of oral cavity, the most pigmented area of oral cavity is mucous tunic of gum. But nature of melanosis of mucous tunic of oral cavity is unknown till now. In this work peculiarities of distribution and quantitative content of melanocytes in mucous tunic of gum in normal condition and in some chronic inflammatory diseases of paradentium, taking theie course with melanosis pigmentation and without it, were studied. Biopsy materials of pigmented and non-pigmented mucous tunic of gum obtained by means of excision in time of extracting tooth, which cannot be treated, were investigated with the help of light microscopy with successive photorecording and morphometry. 54 people were investigated, they were divided into three groups. Investigated people included 12 people, who were sick with chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis, 29 patients had chronic generalized periodontitis of mild and medium severity level and 13 healthy people were in control group. Classical changes described in many sources of literature were founded in laminated pavement epithelium of mucous tunic of gum morphologically in all patients. In this case morphological state did not correlate with severity level of the process ascertained clinically, signs of more severe inflammatory process in mucous tunic of gum were revealed. The more reliable differences, which were founded in quantity of melanocytes and changes of their morphology in normal condition and in melanosis appeared in the result of chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis and chronic generalized periodontitis, give an opportunity to state that melanosis of mucous tunic of gum is characterized by increase of the quantitative density of melanocytes and increase in their functional activity.

Key words:

melanosis of gingiva, mucous membrane of mouth, mucous membrane of gingiva, chronic generalized catarrhal gingivitis, chronic generalized periodontitis

For Citation

Jumayev H.D., Shchetinina L.N. Quantitative assessment and morphofunctional state of melanocytes in mucous tunic of gum in normal condition and in melanosis. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2015; 3 (75): 40—45


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Published on

September 1, 2015