Modern view of dental hypersensitiveness


  • N.I. Krikheli 1, д.м.н., профессор, декан факультета дополнительного профессионального образования, зав. кафедрой клинической стоматологии № 1 стоматологического факультета
  • E.V. Pustovoyt 1, к.м.н., доцент кафедры клинической стоматологии № 1 стоматологического факультета
  • T.V. Kovalenko 1, ассистент кафедры клинической стоматологии № 1 стоматологического факультета
  • 1 МГМСУ им. А.И. Евдокимова


According to the most recent official figures, about 40-70% of the Russian Federation citizens suffer from different forms of dental hypersensitivity. There are various reasons for emergence of this condition. Therewith, the pain reaction can be supported by an emotional component. The diagnostics of hypersensitivity is being run in different objective and subjective ways: according to the patient`s complaints, through probing or thermal tests. Now there are two basic methods of treatment of dental hypersensitivity: dental canal obturation or nerve-endings blocking which decreases sensitivity of nerve fibers. The most common solution is a tooth-paste. The latest medication for hypersensitivity treatment is Pro-Argin™ technology based on arginine and calcium carbonate complex formation.

Key words:

dental hypersensitivity, hypersensitivity of teeth, dental hypersensibility, desensitiational tooth-pastes, Pro-Argin™

For Citation

Krikheli N.I., Pustovoyt E.V., Kovalenko T.V. Modern view of dental hypersensitiveness. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2015; 3 (75): 22—25


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Published on

September 1, 2015