Severe oral lichen planus


  • O.F. Rabinovich 1, д.м.н., отделение заболеваний слизистой оболочки рта
  • I.M. Rabinovich 1, профессор, отделение заболеваний слизистой оболочки рта
  • A.V. Guseva 1, аспирант, отделение заболеваний слизистой оболочки рта


Object in our investigation was basis application photodynamic therapy in complex treatment patient with heavy shape oral lichen planus. Develop complex clinical and laboratory examination and treatment of 50 patients. Patients was divide on 2 groups. Foremost group treatment was standards, for the second group without standards treatment application photodynamic therapy. Diagnosis of oral lichen planus basis on the clinic, facts histology and immunohistochemistry investigation. Received facts proved necessity use photodynamic therapy in complex treatment patients hurt heavy shapes oral lichen planus.

Key words:

oral lichen planus, erosive, lesion, photodynamic therapy, histology, immunohistochemistry

For Citation

Rabinovich O.F., Rabinovich I.M., Guseva A.V. Severe oral lichen planus. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2015; 1 (73): 24—26


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Published on

March 1, 2015