Influence of technology violations in modeling process on strength characteristics of composite materials


  • D.Yu. Fadeyeva 1, аспирант кафедры гериатрической стоматологии
  • V.N. Chilikin 1, д.м.н., профессор кафедры гериатрической стоматологии, заслуженный врач РФ
  • T.V. Grineva 2, директор по качеству и разработкам
  • 1 МГМСУ им. А.И. Евдокимова
  • 2 ЗАО «СтомаДент»


For simplification of composite restoration modeling process doctors use the primer adhesive for restoration‘s form modeling that is not recommended by the producer. It was decided to study the influence of use of Single bond 2 (3M ESPE) primer adhesive in restoration modeling among group of materials: Point 4 (Kerr), Filtek Z250 (3M ESPE), Unirest (Stomadent). Three groups of samples of each material (5 samples in each group) were made in vitro for determination of diametral tensile strength according to GOST P 51202-98 (items 6.1.2). Groups were allocated in the following way: samples made of materials without primer adhesive use; samples in which between composite layers at the intermediate stages of material restoration modeling a primer adhesive was used; samples made of materials in which primer adhesive was used for top layer modeling. The obtained data allow to conclude that the use of primer adhesive during restoration modelling reduces its strength characteristics, and is an adverse stage at intermediate and final stages of restoration modeling.

Key words:

composite restoration modelling, primer adhesive, diametral tensile strength, strength characteristics, instruction compliance

For Citation

Fadeyeva D.Yu., Chilikin V.N., Grineva T.V. Influence of technology violations in modeling process on strength characteristics of composite materials. Clinical Dentistry (Russia).  2014; 2 (70): 8—9


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Published on

June 1, 2014